Flightcrew Risk Solutions PCC Limited is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission for General Insurance business. GFSC reference number 1004240.
Flightcrew Risk Solutions PCC Limited is a Company incorporated as a Protected Cell Company in accordance with the provisions of the Protected Cell Companies Ordinance, 1987 (as amended). Its liability for transactions attributable to Cell BF4 through which this insurance will be arranged, is statutorily limited to the assets of that cell and its liabilities for any other transaction is limited to the extent of its non cellular assets only.
The Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2017
Your personal data will be processed fairly and securely in accordance with the above law. Your personal data will only be available to those who need to see it. For example, sensitive data, such as medical records will be used for the purposes of underwriting or claim management and rehabilitation only.
The information collected as part of the application process, together with medical and any other information obtained from you or from other parties about you in connection with your policy, will be used by the Insurer for the purposes of determining your application, the operation of insurance (which includes the process of underwriting, administration, claims management and customer concerns handling) and fraud protection and detection.
Information will be held outside the European Economic Area for these purposes.
Information may be shared by the Insurer for these purposes with group companies and third-party insurers, reinsurers, insurance intermediaries and service providers. Such parties may become data controllers in respect of your personal data. Specifically, your membership of any trade union granted a discount, such as BALPA, will also be divulged. All information will be held for a limited period after the policy has expired or been cancelled.
You are entitled to a copy of all your personal data upon receipt of a written request. Please make a request to Flightcrew Risk Solutions Limited, Suite 1 North, 1st Floor, Albert House, South Esplanade, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1AJ or alternatively e-mail at
Key Features
Commercial Pilot Key Features
Trainee Pilot (Loss of Medical)
Trainee Pilot (Life)
Archived Regulatory Documents – Key Facts
Not Available For New Cover
Combined cover
We have various dispute resolution procedures, which can be accessed from here.
In the first instance, please contact us at the following address:
Flightcrew Risk Solutions PCC Limited
Suite 1 North,
1st Floor Albert House
South Esplanade
St Peter Port
or alternatively e-mail
We will endeavour to resolve your issues and reach a quick and satisfactory outcome for you.
In the unlikely event that we cannot resolve your issues, there are further protocols available to you, including:
- If the dispute is about whether you are fit to fly or about any proposed medical treatment to enable you to return to flying, there is a procedure to appoint a referee.
- If all avenues have failed to reach an agreement, there is also an arbitration procedure.
Full details of both dispute resolutions are included in the policy document.
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BALPA Members receive a 10% discount on premium rates applied.