Passing your annual medical examination
You will have had a stringent medical examination when you first started training, and you will undergo regular check-ups throughout your career. You will therefore be aware that a relatively insignificant ailment that would not stop an office-based employee from working could see you grounded for a considerable time or even end your flying career.
Peace of mind
We all feel we are immortal, especially the younger we are, but you cannot predict what hurdles life has in store for you. Whilst most people insure their house and contents, too few are as careful as to insure against losing the job and income that is paying for it.
Whilst we cannot stop you from falling ill, Loss of Licence cover from Flightcrew can give you that peace of mind that your debts and your bills can be taken care of.
Captain A
I was 49 when diagnosed with cancer. The flying stopped and the chemo and radiotherapy began. Having the security of a loss of licence policy allowed me to focus on recovery without any need to worry about financial turmoil for my family. Nobody can predict ill health. I was fit and well at the age of 49 and enjoyed cycling, walking and sessions in the gym. I sailed through my ATPL Class 1 medicals and had been signed off as fit for another year just 6 weeks before the devastating diagnosis.
In a 25-year career, there is a
50% chance
that you will submit a claim.
Flightcrew often sees a surge in applications and applicants will offer the reason that a colleague has just lost their licence, and they realise it could happen to them.
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